Use this page ONLY if you want to sell tickets or merchandise on this site.

Use this page ONLY if you are intending to sell tickets or merchandise through
This page is NOT used for purchasing tickets from one of our event hosts. You can create an account by clicking the "sign up" link at the top of the home page.

Please note that you will be required to provide your own payment processor (STRIPE is preferred and takes roughly 5 minutes) and automatic payment option.

Your Information

Choose a strong password. Minimum 5 characters

Not shown to visitors

Not shown to visitors

Not shown to visitors

About You

URL (Address)

Choose an easy-to-remember and announce address, which represents your business, to sell your tickets on. All your events will get listed at this address.

    * One word only

* You can move it to your own domain or sub-domain later (requires certain plan)
