Haunted Explorations Events Reviews

Haunted Explorations Events


4.3 / 5.0 based on 3 reviews

Review your experience with Haunted Explorations Events

Review your experience with Haunted Explorations Events

   Great experience!

Sep 01, 2024
by: Christy Murray

Review your experience with Haunted Explorations Events

Sep 01, 2024
by: Laura Sieber

Review your experience with Haunted Explorations Events

Sep 01, 2024
by: Kevin Plicinski
Reviews source: Reviews for Haunted+Explorations+Events

Investigate Ohio State Reformatory


4.3 / 5.0 based on 3 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

Sep 01, 2024
by: Christy Murray

How did you like the event?

Sep 01, 2024
by: Laura Sieber

How did you like the event?

   Too many people. I usually go to the public hunts at OSR and there are close to 100 people there. I thought there would be a lot less. There were, but 40 people is still too large of a group. Also many people were way to loud, or groups would camp out in a room (ie the chair room) and you couldn't get in there. Started too late also. OSR's hunts usually start at 7pm

Sep 01, 2024
by: Kevin Plicinski
Reviews source: Reviews for Investigate+Ohio+State+Reformatory