Rock Island RoadhouseParanormal Investigation
7:00 PM
Haunted Rock Island Roadhouse - Illinois 500 20th Street, Rock Island, Illinois 61201
Xtreme Ticketing Xtreme Ticketing
These Walls Still Talk - Missouri State PennitentiaryBook Release Party / Overnight Ghost Hunt!
Missouri State Penitentiary (MSP) - Missouri 115 Lafayette St, Jefferson City, MO 65101
History, Haunts and HeirloomsPsychic Sunday
Time's Tin Cup Vintage 27 Diamond Spring Road, Denville NJ 07834
Nine Lives Paranormal ninelivesparanormal Nine Lives Paranormal
Paranormal 101 Workshop
2:00 PM
Eye Candy Rock Shop 232 Lone Oak Road, Paducah KY 42001
KenTenn Paranormal Adventures ktpadventures KenTenn Paranormal Adventures
Kearny CottageA Private Event
Kearny Cottage
Elementary, Dear Watson!A Victorian Parlor Experience
4:00 PM
Museum and LectureAt the Osterhout Library
6:00 PM
Osterhout Library 71 S Franklin St, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701
Empty Casket Talking Board Mus emptycasket Empty Casket Talking Board Mus
Book Signing + Meet and Greet with Pat Fitzhugh
A Night at Ashmore Estates with Larry Eissler III
Ashmore Estates 22645 E Co Rd 1050 N, Ashmore, IL 61912
Ken Tenn Paranormal Adventures kentennparanormaladventures Ken Tenn Paranormal Adventures
National Paranormal Day Meet and Greet with Steve E Asher
Mayfield Graves County Public Library 601 N 17th St, Mayfield, KY 42066
Liberty's ParaUnited ExpoHaunted Liberty Theater & Museum
10:00 AM
Haunted Liberty Theater & Museum 1053 Shoemaker Street, Nanty Glo, PA 15943
Dark Hollow Paranormal darkhollowparanormal Dark Hollow Paranormal
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